Fun Facts about Christmas and Artificial Christmas Trees

Every year, when Christmas starts to roll around, people are ready to put up those artificial Christmas trees, start hanging lights throughout their home and then go shopping for all their family and friends. It is a joyous time of the year that many people love to see coming each year. With this being said, for those who are looking for some fun tidbits of information related to Christmas, then read on!

Fun Christmas Tree Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

1. The lights that we use today on artificial Christmas trees were the brainchild of the assistant to Thomas Edison…before this, people used candles on their trees to light them up. Which posed its own sense of danger since this could ignite the entire tree if people were not paying attention.

2. Did you know that Teddy Roosevelt banned the usual Christmas tree from the White House due to environmental reasons. This is why artificial Christmas trees are the best option for those who want to be more environmentally friendly.

3. Did you know that tinsel was first made with lead? Today it is made with plastic, making it much safer.

4. The Fir trees and the White Pine are the most popular types of trees that are used year after year.

5. Did you know that real trees take anywhere from six to eight years to mature? This is a long time…and one of the reasons why so many people are more interested in artificial Christmas trees than real trees anymore.

6. We often think that the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest Christmas shopping day, but that is not the case. Instead, this is two days before Christmas!

7. Did you know that the Ancient Greeks considered mistletoe an aphrodisiac, which is why we have the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe!

8. Christmas lights were once so expensive that they were rented by people rather than being sold to them.

9. The most common injury during December is a fall from decorating homes for the Christmas season!

10. The first “ugly Christmas sweater” party was supposedly held in Vancouver, Canada!

With these fun facts, you are going to find that as your family and friends are gathered around your artificial Christmas trees, you will always have something to talk about and converse about. And you may even find that you can use some of these facts for encouraging other people to go with the green option of having an artificial tree.