Unique ways to get the Mardi Gras look

Mardi Gras is just around the corner. And interestingly, it feels just like yesterday when we put up our dazzling Christmas ornaments. We can’t wait to celebrate Mardi Gras and decorate too.

When it comes to styling, beads stand out as some of the most used ornaments for the season. But have you ever wondered how they fit in to your decor? For a fact, there are about a thousand and one creative ways you can use them to achieve an uncommon look. Mardi Gras decor doesn’t have to be ordinary – style your beads in the most alluring way you can imagine.

Beaded Wreaths will impress your guests

You can make a stunning Mardi Gras wreath in just a few minutes; simply take a wreath that’s quite colorful and string some beads around it. It’s a simple DIY decoration you can make with your kids. The wreath can also be more elaborate by adding colorful picks. Start putting together your Mardi Gras wreath if you’ve got that magical, creative touch.

Beads Look Great on Clear Ornaments

Christmas ornaments are not just for the holidays. And yeah, getting rid of those beauties is something most people frequently dread. How about getting some clear ball items and using them to decorate for Mardi Gras? Create that stunning, attractive Mardi Gras look for your home by wrapping beads and glue around ornaments.

Wrap Your Gifts with Beads

Though this isn’t exactly a decoration, it’s a wonderful idea as birthdays approach. Use the leftover beads from Mardi Gras in a fun way. Wrapping your gift with these beads will make it stand out whether it’s for a birthday, Christmas, or even graduation. They are a perfect replacement for ribbons over wrapping paper. And no doubt, adding one would make any gift extra special.