Organizing Your Artificial Christmas Wreaths and Garlands

Why Organizing Your Artificial Christmas Wreaths and Garlands is Important

What is one of the worst things that can happen to your artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands when you go to get these out at Christmas? They are so unorganized that you end up not knowing where something else! Let’s face it, when you are decorating for the holidays, every minute is going to count. You are not only decorating, but you have a ton of other things to do as you prepare for this major holiday. If you have to take more time to help reorganize all your artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands, then this is time that you are taking away from something else.

For this reason, it is always best that you organize these artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands when you are putting these up for storage. Yes, it can be tempting to shove everything into a garbage bag or a tote box, throw it with the other Christmas decor you have and forget about it…but you will kick yourself later for not taking the time while cleaning up your Christmas decor to do this right. Also, keep in mind that if you were to just throw everything together and hope for the best, you may find your artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands are bent and broken beyond use…which means spending more money in order to get what you want when you already had what you needed.

Tips for Maintaining Your Artificial Christmas Wreaths and Garlands Throughout the Year

So, how can you organize these? There are several methods that people use to organize their artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands. If you do a little bit of research, you are going to find that there are many different methods that people use based on how crafty they are or the amount of space in which they have. However, we want to disclose the best ways that you can do this, regardless of the amount of you room you may or may not have!

For your wreaths, you are going to want to slide these into a garbage bag. Make sure that you are using one that is unscented…as there is nothing worse than having a Christmas wreath that smells like a tropical beach! Once you have slid this into the garbage bag, take another garbage bag and slide it over the opening over the rest of the wreath. This way, there is no way that anything is touching this. Now, once this is done, take a marker and write on this bag that it is your wreath. Place this on a shelf with nothing on top of it, and it will be ready to go next year.

For your wreaths, you will find that simply wrapping these together and then tying them with a twist tie will be sufficient to keep them from tangling. You will want to place these into a plastic tote box to avoid dust and other issues. Overall, organizing your artificial Christmas wreaths and garlands really does not take that much time to do, and you will be thankful that you did this.